Edovate Capital
Scaling solutions to education’s hardest challenges
Edovate Capital partners with social entrepreneurs to scale companies solving education’s hardest challenges.

“Shortly after we started the company in 2014, we partnered with Edovate and received seed investment, but more importantly we collaborated on a go-to-market approach that resulted in both a high growth rate and early profitability. Edovate helped us refine our strategy and with a key early hire that helped put us on the path to success. We highly recommend working with Graham and the Edovate team.”
Anthony Showalter
Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Pear Deck
What We Do
We identify capital efficient education technology companies tackling education’s hardest challenges, fund their growth, and help increase their impact.
Our Commitment to Impact
100 by 40: Investing in 100 sustainable K12 Edtech companies by 2040
We are committed to accelerate the growth and impact of new companies tackling the hardest problems across K12 education. We urgently need novel solutions to improve our public school systems’ digital infrastructure, how we serve our most marginalized students, ways to rapidly address learning loss, integration of social and emotional learning, and paths to build stronger connections to jobs and the workforce.
We believe this opportunity can only be realized with the expansion of aligned capital structures. Our mission is to increase the number of entrepreneurs pursuing cutting-edge solutions to education’s most pressing problems and be a key partner empowering these products and services to achieve both scale and sustainability.
We are pursuing a vision to empower 100+ impact-first edtech companies over the next 30 years. We believe our aligned funding and coalition of industry partners can be one of the most significant catalysts of social change of the last decade.
Just a couple of the many impact stories from the Edovate portfolio:
EveryDay Labs helps scale up school district PreK–12 attendance initiatives by uniting behavioral science, data science, and evidence-based family communication. At the Los Angeles Unified School District, EveryDay Labs reduced absences by 12%.
BookNook helps K12 schools and districts advance literacy goals by providing rigorous distance learning and in-person solutions for live reading interventions. Preliminary results from the fall of 2020 show that BookNook is helping to close reading gaps for K–3 early readers.