Edovate Capital is looking to support capital-efficient education technology companies tackling education’s hardest challenges, fund their growth, and help increase their impact. We invest in K12 businesses at an early stage in their development.
What We Look For
We focus at the investment stage when we can bring massive impact with our expertise.
We are most excited to partner with entrepreneurs with a demonstrated commitment to impact and K12 systems-level change. We love solution-oriented founders with early traction and are either bootstrapped or capital efficient with an ARR to outside capital raised ratio of ~1:1 or better.
We seek solutions to niche problems with a path to steady growth and sustainability – think Camels not Unicorns. We offer various investment structures based on the partner company profile and can provide equity investments, Revenue-Based Financing (RBF), or a mix of the two. Our unique fund structure affords us the flexibility to truly align both impact and founder interest.